Admission | Fees

Ready to join our dynamic family?

How to Apply | Fees


To apply, simply send an email to One of our team members will send back a confirmation e-mail with an official admission form. This document will explain in detail what is required of you.

Our Annual School Fees for 2023 are R41800 per annum per learner,  paid over 11 months. All monthly fees are to be paid in advance, no later than the 1st of each month. Non-Refundable Development Levy: R2000.00 (payable upon registration).

1. School Fees | In Full / Monthly Debit Order 2023

Monthly over 11 Months, Debit order payments to start:

R3800.00 | January 2023 – November 2023

2. Aftercare with Lunch | Full-Time Basis


Single annual payment  paid in full  by 28/02/2023:


Monthly over 11 Months, Debit order payments to start:

R900.00 | January 2023 – November 2023

3. Aftercare Supervision Only | Full-Time Basis


Single annual payment  paid in full  by 31/01/2023:



Monthly over 11 Months, Debit order payments to start:

R650.00 | January 2023 – November 2023

4. Lunch Only | Full-Time Basis

Single annual payment paid in full  by 31/12/2022:

R6 160

Single annual payment  paid in full  by 31/01/2023:

R6 160

Single annual payment  paid in full  by 28/02/2023:

R6 160

Monthly over 11 Months, Debit order payments to start:

R560 | January 2023 – November 2023

5. Aftercare Daily Rate | Lunch & Supervision

Daily Rate


6. Aftercare Daily Rate | Supervision Only

Daily Rate


7. Lunch Daily Rate | No Supervision

Daily Rate


8. School Fees 2023

Single annual payment paid in full  by 31/12/2022:

-10% | R37,620

Single annual payment  paid in full  by 31/01/2023:

-7% | R38,874

Single annual payment  paid in full  by 28/02/2023:

-5% | R39,710

Single annual payment  paid in full  by 31 March 2023 / April / May 2023:

-3% | R40,456

Sibling Discount Monthly (R3,610)

5% Discount monthly on the 2nd child.

Monthly over 11 Months, Debit Order payments to start:

R3800 | 31 December 2022

Fees are payable a 2 months in advance, over 11 months (from December to November) by way of a debit order ONLY. EFT will not be accepted for month to month payments. Please ensure the debit order mandate is signed.

All fees are payable irrespective of whether a period includes school holidays and other breaks.

Discounts do not apply to After-Care Fees.